During the bitter cold blizzards on the great plans of North America one creature stands apart with its strength and resilience. The American bison has learned how to survive these fierce storms by facing and moving forward into them. Where cattle who were brought to the plans will face away letting their faces be covered in ice to freeze to death or be blown by the storm ito pits and ravines they cannot get out of, the bison on the other hand definitely not only face the storm but push forward walking into the winds knowing that as it makes a choice to step forward it gets closer to the time of the storm passing.
They don’t do this alone but as a herd with the support of others who have faced storms. No one should suffer a storm alone, let me help you navigate your storm with the wisdom I have gained from facing my own storms and getting to the bright sunshine of a new day on the other side.
They don’t do this alone but as a herd with the support of others who have faced storms. No one should suffer a storm alone, let me help you navigate your storm with the wisdom I have gained from facing my own storms and getting to the bright sunshine of a new day on the other side.
Dear Matthew,
I am writing to express my appreciation for your attentiveness and loving presence during our session. You truly hold your clients interest as a high priority. I felt safe, seen, and comfortable. I was able to relax and felt at ease. Our session, I felt successful because of the trust and rapport we have created together. I am grateful to have found you. Your enthusiasm for helping others is transparent and of much love and compassion. Best regards and gratitude Vickie Marshall |